By default, WordPress adds a “generator” meta tag to your site header HTML. The content of the tag contains “WordPress” and the version you are running. For example: WordPress 3.1.3
With a simple edit of your theme functions.php file, you can either remove or alter this tag to add a small, additional layer of security.
To alter the tag, as I have done on this site, you can add the following code to your theme functions.php file:
function my_generator_tag($generator, $type = 'xhtml') { switch ($type) { case 'html': $html = '<meta name="generator" content="WordPress">'; break; case 'xhtml': $html = '<meta name="generator" content="WordPress" />'; break; } return $html; } add_filter('the_generator', 'my_generator_tag');
Or, if you would like to remove the tag completely, simply add:
remove_action('wp_head', 'wp_generator');
Thanks for the comment on my site. Love the blue color scheme of the theme I made 🙂
Dude you’ve got some nice scripts on on your site – cheers.
If you ever want to write a WordPress-related post/tutorial for my blog at WPExplorer you are always welcome, you can always contact me via twitter 🙂
Thanks AJ and no problems. Thank you for the theme, I really like it. And I may take you up on that 😉